Beyond ideas of right and wrong,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
— Rumi
Dream Tending
Hi! I'm Michele, dream tender and anam cara (Gaelic for "soul friend").
Grounded in Jungian, Embodied Imagination and Somatic approaches, I love weaving emotions, sensations, body and soul together.
I consider myself a life long student of CG Jung depth psychology and dreaming. I am particularly grateful to my mentors and trainers: Steven Aizenstat, Robert Bosnak, Toko-pa Turner…
I have completed the Dream Tending Certification program I Stephen Aizenstat (Pacifica Graduate School) and currently continue to study.
I have also attended yearly workshops with Stephen Aizenstat (Deep Imagination) I Robert Bosnak (Alchemy, Embodied Imagination) I C. Michael Smith (Jung & Shamanic BreathWork) I Robert Moss I Tina Stromted… and many others.
Groups of interest, continuing education or continuing professional development: Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification, Peter Levine SE® (Somatic Experiencing), Raja Selvam (Integral Somatic Psychology, War Trauma), Pat Ogden (The Legacy of Early Attachment Relationships: a Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Perspective, Women's Trauma), Manuela Mischke-Reed (Trauma and Embodied Movement), Arielle Schwarz (Somatic psychology and trauma recovery), IFS (Treating Complex Trauma with Internal Family Systems), neuroscience (Sarah Peyton, Pernille Plantener), dream tending, NVC (NVC Academy), Thomas Hübl (Conscious Healing, Collective Trauma)…
SEI member
IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) member
Student of Otto Scharmer, Theory U (u-school)
And for the mystical side of my life: I'm a former student of Thomas Hübl (Modern Mystic) and I studied with Mirabaï Starr (Women Mystics)
Translations: Maggie Kline and Peter Levine, Healing Trauma in Children - Picture Book for Parents; Katerina Honzikova and Maggie Kline, Helping to Heal Trauma In Children - Information and Activity Handbook for Parents and Caregivers (work in progress); Steven B. Parker, Heart Attack and Soul; Anne Baring, 'Sleeping Beauty' in The Dream of the Cosmos, 'Awakening to the Feminine' (webinar), Synchronicity, Matter & Psyche Symposium, 2014